ID Linking
Map source data to target data from various systems without leaving the current flow
Programming language: | Javascript |
Current state: | Production |
Provider of the connector: | elastic.io |
Type of license: | Proprietary |
ID Linking component is part of elastic.io’s Utility connectors – meaning that it helps you work with our platform more efficiently and get the most out of it for your integration projects.
In the case of the ID Linking, this connector allows you to link IDs of various objects between different systems without leaving the current integration flow. This is done though buckets, which contain a bucket ID and an array of linked objects. A linked object IDs may be string, number or a data object.
About ID Linking connector
ID Linking was developed explicitly for the elastic.io platform and as such, it is compatible with any other available connector. Being part of our generic utility connectors, it comes with platform by default.
Due to the specific nature of its usage, ID Linking integration connector doesn’t have a trigger function, which means that it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design. Instead, this connector can be selected only as an action and it allows you to work with buckets in various ways, e.g. search linked objects in the bucket by the source system ID.
Due to the fact that it is under the proprietary license, you will not be able to modify this connector on your own. If you need any adjustments or additional triggers, however, you’re more than welcome to contact our pre-sales team at ps[at]elastic.io.
PLEASE NOTE: To be able to use this connector, you need to have an active account on the elastic.io integration platform in order to use this connector. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial.
How to add and use ID Linking on elastic.io
Step 1
Go to the Dashboard or Flows part of the platform first, then click “Add new Flow” and choose the data source from which you’d want to build the flow. You won’t be able to see the ID Linking connector in the list of available connectors just yet because it doesn’t provide any trigger functions.
Only after you’ve configured the first step of the flow, you’ll be able to see and select this utility connector in order to use it in your integration scenario.
Step 2
Select the function required for your specific use case. You can lookup or upsert an object as well as write (essentially, this means create or update) or read entire bucket contents.
Step 3
Once you’ve selected the right function, you’ll be asked to create new credentials for yourself. This is really easy because all you’ll need is a bucket ID which you’ll find on our platform.
For more details on how to work with this component, please check the dedicated Documentation page following the link above.