ZIP or UnZIP files automatically with ZIP/UnZIP integration connector

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The ZIP/UnZIP integration component does exactly what its name suggests. It allows you to zip or unzip various files as part of the business processes that you want to address with your integration flows.

About ZIP/UnZIP integration connector

This is’s own private connector to work with all other connectors in your integration workflows. It was developed specifically for the platform and it comes with the platform by default.

Due to its role in the integration workflows, the ZIP/UnZIP integration connector only supports the action functionality. This means that you cannot select it as the first step of your integration flow. You can only use this connector to execute a certain event.

Follow the Documentation link above to find what you need to do to set it up and to see the input and output schemas.

Due to the fact that it is under the proprietary license, you cannot change or extend this connector yourself. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact our pre-sales team at ps[at]

ZIP integration connector_screenshot

PLEASE NOTE:You need to be registered on the integration platform in order to use the ZIP/UnZIP integration connector. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial here.