Cloud Adoption Reality Check background image

Over the past several years, cloud adoption became tantamount to positioning one’s business as an innovative one, saving considerable costs, improving overall business performance, and so much more. Most businesses eagerly embraced the cloud, due to a larger extent, to these core benefits: Scalability Cost savings Flexibility Competitive advantage Automatic software updates Indeed, according to the Cloud Industry Forum, by …

iPaaS vs. Enterprise Service Bus

Recently, I came across a statement that ESB, as opposed to iPaaS, was developed for access administration to obsolete, legacy systems (by definition on-premise ones). Indeed, the term ‘enterprise service bus’ allegedly made its appearance in 2002, while cloud computing basically arrived together with Salesforce in 1999, or so they say. So, it might seem as if ESB was indeed …

IoT System Integration Meets iPaaS: What 4 Features Are Essential

In my last article, I indicated that an iPaaS (integration platform as a service) can be a good fit for IoT-related integration projects based on the fact that most IoT services have an API.While I continue holding to this position, there is another perspective on the connection between IoT and iPaaS uttered by Gartner in their research note “IoT Drives …

Integrate own connectors into one platform, connect cloud & on-premise apps in a standardized environment, easily monitor all applications integration flows is introducing the second version of its platform standardizing the integration of various IT applications. The new approach allows to integrate self-developed connectors into a superordinate platform and thus, connect any number of cloud-based as well as on-premise IT applications in a standardized environment and easily monitor all processes. The empowering democratization of business applications How many applications a …

startup award

Last Friday, at the end of the day, I heard from some girl that the Channel Trends+Visions fair-trade organized by ALSO, wholesale distributor of information and communication technology as well as consumer electronics, is her favourite one. And now I can easily see why. Starting with the location, the fair-trade is run in a former machine room for furnace blowers …

github for project management

Last week some of you noticed that the integration solution you’re using didn’t synchronize data as timely as it used to do, or sometimes even didn’t synchronize at all. Some other sporadic issues have been reported as well, e.g. some integration solutions couldn’t be even activated. As you might have seen, we’ve announced about that on Twitter, saying that GitHub …